Investments aimed at improving the overall performance and sustainability of farms.
Eligible actions:
The percentage that oscillate between 50% and 90%.
Amount of aid between 30,000 and 70,000 euros.
From June 17 until September 17 it is open the deadline for grant applications for inclusion of farmers to agricultural activity within the regulatory framework of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Andalucia young.
Among the priorities for achieving such aid are cited the following :
It has published the provisional list of beneficiaries with shares granted and denied. The deadline for filing claims and provide documentation is on October 27.
It has been posted on the bulletin board of the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, the provisional provincial listings aid granted and denied to the call 2012. This call closed its application deadline on February 10, 2012 , and eight months after the provisional list published.
It is noteworthy that for the first time in this type of aid to the prevention of forest fires , have run out of available budget and shares many farms , especially those outside of natural areas.
During the 2001-2006 Rural Development program , five calls for aid to forest fire prevention , all with budgetary availability for all applicants were made. During this program (2007-2013) only two calls have been made in 2008 and 2012 , and the latter with a high number of applications provisionally rejected for lack of budget availability.
One of the probable causes of the lack of availability is the provisional grant of shares many construction and maintenance of water points for extinguishing forest fires.
Open deadline for submission of aid applications until the 8th of September.
They aim to improve the level and quality of life of the population of AISE National Park Doñana and Sierra Nevada National Park , consistent with environmental conservation and considering the parks as an important asset for economic development.
It constitutes and regulates the census pastures of Andalucia and its inscription in it, according to Law 7/2010 of La Dehesa.
The day March 30, 2012 has been published Decree 70/2012 approving the pastures of Andalucia census is regulated, and the registration procedure in it.
Those meadows that are associated with a livestock farm code will have to register through the Ministry of Agriculture , rangelands and those intended exclusively for hunting character will have to register through the Ministry of Environment.
On 21 March the rules for awarding grants for Sustainable Management of Natural Environment were published.
The call for aid is part of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, has a period of 2 months and a maximum amount of € 51.167.827,16 funding .
Eligible items include, among others, the implementation of Forest Certification , the development of Technical Management Plans Montes , densification of rangelands , protection of regeneration , maintenance of reforestation , clearing, resalveos , short police , road maintenance , wetland restoration , rehabilitation of rural infrastructure uninhabitable ...
The eligible investment depends on the type of action , with up to 100 % of expenditure on actions such as densification and protection of natural regeneration , restoration of wetlands or training activities.
On January 19 the order regulating the use of forest biomass for energy purposes was published.
The Order , which considers Biomass Forest all biodegradable fraction of products , by-products and residues from silvicultural treatments that are performed in the mountains , "is intended to regulate , in the mountains or forest land , the use of forest biomass as energy renewable natural resource use. "
Note the importance that the rule attributed to the inclusion of the use of biomass in the forest planning instruments ( Project Management or deOrdenación Technical Plan) as well as the distinctions that the rule made between the consideration of biomass as a primary or secondary use.